Your Certified Health Coach, Shannon Smith

Hello, my name is Shannon. I am a board-certified health and wellness coach, dedicated to guiding women to embrace their lives in a holistic manner: mind, body, and spirit. Together, we unlock our fullest potential for health and wellness.

My journey began like so many others with Endometriosis: curled up in excruciating pain, desperately asking myself, “How will I ever be able to enjoy life like this?” The chronic pain was a relentless storm, disrupting every facet of my existence. I couldn’t focus, couldn’t achieve what I knew I was capable of. I reached a breaking point and decided I had to seek help.

I saw everyone—doctors, specialists, alternative health practitioners, even delving into unconventional modalities. But what I discovered was disheartening: a glaring lack of genuine support for women like me suffering from Endometriosis, and a sea of misinformation that only added to the struggle.

This revelation ignited a fire within me. I made it my life’s mission to uncover the truth about Endometriosis. To find what truly helps women not just live with it, but conquer this monstrous adversary, transforming it from a source of suffering into one of the greatest blessings in our lives.

I am here to help women transform Endometriosis into their superpower.

If you’ve ever suffered, even once, from the natural processes of menstruation, I am here to support you in finding YOUR solution.

Please feel welcome to book a complimentary 20-minute consultation session with me so we can talk in more detail. I look forward to connecting with you.

Private Coaching And Support For Women With Endometriosis

Holistic coaching designed to help women ease their symptoms and turn their pain into their superpower. 

Make Endo Your SUPERPOWER!

Here’s What My Clients Are Saying About Me…

Sarah Kranz-Owens

“I am so grateful that my life path crossed with Shannon’s and look forward to my trajectory having partnered with her as my coach.”

Dori Russo

“Coach Shannon has been such a tremendous help!! Being able to develop a plan tailored to my mental, physical and hormonal individuality is priceless. I very highly recommend her if you're serious about taking control of your health!!”

Courtney Ramey

“Shannon is an insightful, wise, and patient coach. She listens to me fully and allows me to process. I love that we work together to find solutions that work for me and my lifestyle. She’s wonderful at holding me accountable- and I need a lot of that!”

Endo Support Program Pillars:


Reframing Endo as a gift in our lives. Our own personal superpower.


Developing a strategic food relationship to thrive and lessen the Endo symptoms.


Creating sacred space for expression, emotions, and growth from the inside out.

At Forgiving Endo LLC, our program "Make Endo Your Superpower" is built on three foundational pillars: Mindset, Nutrition, and Environment. By getting to know you, we tailor these pillars to your unique journey. Mindset focuses on empowering you to cultivate a positive and resilient outlook, transforming challenges into opportunities for growth.  We will look at various practices, try them out for size and implement them for regular use. Nutrition emphasizes personalized dietary choices that reduce inflammation, and boost energy, supporting your body's healing process to reduce your symptoms. Environment considers both your physical surroundings, and social interactions, ensuring they foster a supportive and stress-free atmosphere and reduces toxic intake load. Together, these pillars create a holistic approach, enabling you to craft a sustainable lifestyle that promotes healing and wellness.

So You Can Fall In Love With Yourself Again And Feel Confident Knowing Your Body Is Working For YOU

Endo Support Coaching FAQ’s

  • Yes, studies show that working with a health coach increases the success rate of meeting the health goals. Because I live with endo myself, I understand the challenges you face with the symptoms and the energy it takes to make changes in your life. I will walk hand and hand with you on your journey to reduce your symptoms and make endo your superpower!

  • With my background of living with endometriosis since 1995, I already have a good understanding of the importance of nutrition, stress management, and lifestyle factors in promoting overall well-being, including menstrual health. Integrating my education from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, I can offer a comprehensive approach to addressing various health issues that impact women’s lives such as endometriosis and adenomyosis.

  • Based on our consultation calls we will decide together whether a 30, 60, or 90 day program is best for you.

  • The initial consultation is meant to determine if we will be a good fit in working together to meet your goals. Just as any doctor, clinician or other practitioner, we offer services that are non-refundable, unlike products- items purchased in exchange for money.

    A few things to take into consideration before purchasing:

    • Desire to change lifestyle

    • Willingness to invest in your health and wellness long term; coming into this with the mindset that there are no quick fixes to chronic symptoms

    • Your outcomes are contingent on what you put into it

  • Yes, of course! As with any lifestyle changes, always consult your doctors/practitioner.

  • I am a trained and certified health and wellness coach. My practice and programs do not take the place of your other medically licensed doctors. I am here to help enhance and encourage what they have prescribed.

  • I believe this question can only be answered by you: your body, your choice. However, here are some questions to work through.

    • Does the surgeon specialize in this type of surgery? How many have they done before you? Are you comfortable with these answers?

    • How is the success rate measured? And is that good enough for you?

    • What is your goal from the surgery? Will that be accomplished, is it even possible?

    • What are the long term effects/trauma to the body from the surgery? Does that outweigh the possible success?

    • What care will be necessary afterward? Follow up procedures? Lifestyle changes? Ability to enjoy physical intimacy? Ability to have children naturally? Prescriptions?

    • What is the cost? How much will insurance cover? What does insurance cover post-op? What portion of this do you have to pay for?

    • What is the recovery time? Who will help you during that period? Are you able to financially take that time? If not, what can you do to get there? What resources are available to you?

  • I take a holistic approach to coaching and in my programs. We will focus on what your motivation is, or your end-goal, as a point of reference to measure your success. Our systems are all connected and impacted by the way we think, feel and treat ourselves.

  • I work with women whose lives have been negatively impacted by endometriosis and adenomyosis. They have missed work, are in fear of losing their job and all of the relationships have been impacted by this disease. They are tired, yet ready and willing to do whatever it takes to get their life back!

  • My program is structured around specific topics or areas of emphasis. Within each area, we explore concepts that resonate and are feasible to incorporate into each woman's lifestyle. Furthermore, it's important to recognize that there's no one-size-fits-all solution. We each have unique symptoms and experiences. Over the years, I've accumulated a variety of tools that I can customize to fit your specific needs and experiences.

    The sessions are driven by the client, providing them with the space to express themselves and navigate the changes they're undergoing. These coaching sessions are not akin to a classroom where I simply dispense information.

What is the next step?

Have Any Other Questions Regarding Our Endo Support Coaching?

Interested in working together? Fill out this quick form and I’ll get a response back to you within 24-48 business hours.